Sunday Worship Service 5 pm

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Born Again - Do you know what happened to you ?


by Jon Bloom | August 8, 2012
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God”
(John 3:3).
If you have been born again, the greatest miracle that you can ever experience in this life has happened to you. 

No healing, no deliverance, no prophecy, no Philip-like translation in the spirit (Acts 8:39-40), no George Müller-like financial provision arriving at the exact moment you need it comes close. It’s greater than what Lazarus experienced. What happened to Lazarus was a pointer, a parable for what happened to you.

That’s why when the seventy-two disciples returned from their tours of ministry and excitedly recounted the signs and wonders that occurred, including the commanding of demonic powers, Jesus said, “do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20). Why? Because commanding demons can’t touch the joy of receiving everything good forever, which is what the new birth gives you.
Really understanding what being born again means fuels your joy and courage and boldness and your passion to see others receive the same gift.
... Soak in the glories of regeneration. Take an awe-filled dive into the ocean of God’s love for you that caused him to send his Son, Jesus, to die in your place to pay for your sin and then called your name and raisedyou from the spiritually dead and has given you eternal life--which has already begun for you. Immerse yourself in the refreshing and assuring clarity of how the new birth happens and what are the evidences in your life that it has.
  • "O that every believer would know the glory of what has happened to him! Do you know what God has done for you and in you? You were ransomed with the imperishable blood of Christ. You were raised with Christ from the dead to an eternally living hope. You were called from death to life like Lazarus, and you saw Christ for the Treasure that he is. You were born again. You received him and were saved."

(John Piper, in his book Finally Alive) 

Come, and gaze at the glory.

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